Hi All,
Pre-Season Training is starting this Friday the 15th of November at Keith Holmes Reserve, located at the Marina on the street called The Lido.
It will go for an hour ( 5:30pm-6:30pm ) and will cost you $5 per person, but if your Wife & Children would like to participate it will still cost you only $5 per family.
The Pre-Season training is part of our Be-Active policy , which in a nutshell is “ Staying Active “ as we are not getting any younger, this also prepares our bodies for the season ahead.
We have a Personal Trainer organised for a “ Low Impact Training Regime “, some of you might know her from last year, her name is Sarah.
She does understand about how many injuries we have had this year, so will adopt a training schedule to try eliminate those injuries happening again.
She assures me that she will go light on us initially!
There is a playground close by for the kids to play on ,also there is 2 x free BBQ’s there to cook some dinner after training or if you prefer you can walk over the bridge & get some fish & Chips.
This Pre-Season will go through til Friday the 24th of January 2014 as we will be starting training at Rushton North on the 31st of January 2014.
This is a great way of keeping fit, for the Men , Women & Children, so come on down & have some fun.
See you down there.
Mark "Hawka" Lee
Peel AFL Masters Football Club
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